Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Count your blessings

Wow ! Janey writing in here for the second day in the row ?? thats amazing !! well, thts how it goes with my blog anyways if you even read it. Its a phase . Plus, today seems like a good day. So why not celebrate a good day.
Love good days :) Why is it a good day you ask ? Good question .
"...but what do you really mean by good ? " Mr Poxon my pommy ethics and morality teacher would say (Brilliant man, love his classes. )
Well a good day to me would be...
  • surprises ,like when your mom decides to iron your tshirts today
  • wearing my fav outfit of a giant shirt and basketball pants in front of the comp
  • a break from your busy schedule
  • realising you dont have to stay for an hour in school waiting for your volleyball match to start because you live an hour away and you dont wanna trouble parents
  • loving volleyball
  • being proud enough to say that I have bruises on my hand because of an abusive volleyball
  • laughs
  • laughing at fb photos
  • being in the mood to fb comment
  • meeting lots of smiley people
  • knowing you're loved
  • knowing how awesome and great and totally 'of the hook', *ya dawg* my God is
  • singing 'single ladies' and annoying M
  • finally finding out who that guy who sang that song was
  • getting home from school before 4 o'clock
Yeah.. count your blessings eh ? :) and smileys never hurt.

but seriously though, smile .Cause you never know, you could have been that nice 85 year old man who rode trishaws for a living.

1 comment:

sarah said...

singing 'single ladies' and annoying M


watch the justin timberlake version on youtube. is best.