Tuesday, July 6, 2010

No matter

No matter who you are.
No matter your interests or dreams.
No matter if you're near or far.
No matter if you're male or female.
No matter if you're 50 or 10.
No matter your past nor your future.

When you love God. You love the people that love Him too.
So, come deep and meaningfuls and come laughter and pain. We've got that one thing that surpasses all.
Because what we have is eternal.
In His love, we are eternal.


s i m o n said...

It's nice to read such lovely positive thoughts and words. Do you think that people who believe in God can co-exist peacefully and positively and respectfully of one another if the other is an Athiest? I think I can, could you?

janey said...

Hi Simon, yeh I believe I can coexist with athiests or non believers of my faith. I believe this because it is already how I live my life as I interact with atheists, and anyone and everyone else on a daily basis and more often than not, these relationships are honest and true.In fact, a lot of my close friends are non believers and are some of the relationships that i treasure the most.
To be honest, i think it would be more contradictory if I lived a life apart from non believers as it would be going against Christ's image. He not only 'hung out' with the hated, the tax collectors but He also befriended the unwanted, the outcasts and the condemned.I believe that those relationships would have meant more to Him than any other relationship He has with any other religious leader or Pharisee at that time.
In my blog post, my intention was to address my friends and family in Christ. My intention was to explain how in my life I've come across many Christians and I sense that these relationships have been different to other relationships I have with non believers or atheists. With these people, there is an instant and more binding connection. In the same way, Jesus also had his own group of close ones, His disciples, that I believe He shared a different and more intimate relationship with. Those 12 disciples varied so vastly from fishermen, to tax collectors. Their differences however were unimportant as the thing that mattered the most was their unity through Christ.
So yes, I believe christians can coexist and are coexisting with atheists all over the world. If we aren't then we are failing to mirror Christ's life and how he intended for us to live. As Christians however, we are told to uphold a standard that is different to the world's which is how we stay grounded to our beliefs and set apart from the world. After all, I believe that my God is a relational God and a God of love and if I can't uphold the very basis of my belief and work towards upholding it, then I have no right in proclaiming this and call myself a Christian.
I hope this incredibly long rant has satisfied your question :D As you can tell, I am very passionate about my faith and all I have ever intended to do in this blog and in my life is to express God's love in my life through these simple ramblings :)
