Sunday, November 16, 2008

A scene at the bus stop.

I see an elderly man holding fast to a single yellow rose walking slowly down the footpath ,behind him an older woman struggles to keep up with his pace .It is a cold and windy spring day and everyone at the bus stop is tired and dreading the monday morning blues. Even the bus driver i had a chat with can't wait to be home with his family.

Despite being tired, the elderly man still takes care of his lady often glancing behind to check if she is alright .Like the young man he used to be he checks the bus schedule time for his lady while she sits on the cold bench with two teen girls puffing on their cigs .The girls are oblivious to the clearly uncomfortable elderly woman and continues to smoke.

Meanwhile, the older man strolls along the footpath beside the bench waiting for the bus to arrive .His pace is slow but with an arched back and aged skin he still manages to walk with confidence like a young man. A smile creeps onto the aged lady's face as she looks on at her prince charming .How lucky she was she thought.

The bus comes and like a true gentleman he takes care of her ticket and help her lady up the bus .Holding her and supporting her like the delicate rose in his hand. In the bus he sits behind her keeping an eye on her , then like a true romantic movie ,her hands slips behind ,her hands finding his and they sit silently with hands held .

No words were spoken or needed to be .The daily arguements and squabbles they had so often through their married life didn't matter anymore ,they had each other and they needn't ask for more .

The scene looked like what any young couple would do, I guess love never ages.

1 comment:

Grace said...

such a nice scene! most of the old couples here are soooo sweet too... makes you wonder what you'll be like when you "grow up". heh