Monday, May 17, 2010

Fairy Floss Dreams

This is fairy floss.
Light, fluffy and sweet.

This, is a dream...


THIS is a dream...

Right now, this dream feels like fairy floss.

Light, fluffy and sweet..

Easy, reasonable and achievable...

But then again, who am I kidding.

We all know as soon as you get into a good bite of sweet fairy floss, it dissolves and it disappears and you are left with nothing except the sweet after taste of something that used to be.

In that same way, I feel like this 'dream' is about to dissipate and be no more, leaving me with something less sweet and something less undesirable, something along the lines of bitter regret and failure.

So, difficult
so, unrealistic
so, unachievable

-Death by cotton candy-

By Visual Artist Daniela Edburg

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