Sunday, May 16, 2010

Welcome to the life of the not so awesome sauce

Hello fellow invitees, I've made this blog private (for now) cause I think I've been holding back/not blogging because I feel like I always need to put on this facade of how great I'm going and how awesome my life is, just because I know my parents are reading it and you know how parents can become when they know something is wrong, they try to help but that 'help' becomes a lecture and so on. So, as my very exclusive group ;) , I invite you to my sometimes not so awesome life, of rants and hurt and sometimes a whole lot of frustration but don't worry I'm not depressed or anything. It's just nice to rant sometimes. You know ?

But then again, not everything on this blog will be emo and *imma-eat-your-face-coz-im-pissed-off* kinda scary...

In fact, most of the time it would probably be filled up by these little guys ...

Have a great week guys :)

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