Monday, March 24, 2008


Easter was spent up in ....somewhere .....there .....( I have no idea where we went) with the Bread of Life church (Chan's and Pillai's church) .The camp was really great ,I have never been so happy to see so many people speaking in authentic Malaysian accents ,laughing and joking and being absolutely nonsensical as Malaysians do .Yes ,there were few Aussie born asians around but I have and incling that the Malaysian culture from everyone else had seeped in making them as Malaysian as ever .

I would list down all the highlights of camp but there were just too many ,and I do not know where to start from .Okay ,i'll just pick something random .Campfire ! Yeah they had this campfire going on and it was definitely godsent with the chilly weather nowadays .The campfire wasn't a highlight but the outrageous belting of campfire songs definitely were .One and a half hours spent ,fully devoted on scaring every living creature away from the campsite with our 'mighty' voice .From 'Rasa Sayang ' to 'Pretty Woman' and 'Que Sera Sera' and somehow 'Negaraku' ,we sang it all till we were smokey and our feet stained with charcoal .Amazing nonsense it was .

Later in the night ,some girls decided to pull a prank on the guys and somehow I got involved (still have no clue how I did ).Anyways ,we had to spend HOURS waiting for every guy to go to sleep before being able to pull the prank succesfully .Might I add ,it takes AGES for men to sleep .Whats wrong with you all la ! After a good 3 hours of wait and restlessness and running to the toilets to hide we were finally able to tie the guys rooms together and sleep at 4.30am .Ridiculous hour to sleep ...The stories the guys told the next day were priceless .

A church camp wouldn't be a church camp without worship and sermons ,would it ? The sermons about our limitless God were so inspiring .Imagine being a child to the King of kings and the creator of the universe .How awesome to be able to be called the children of an infinite God let alone be made in His image .The creator of the stars and humans ,of space ,nature and air .How great is our God .

Infinite:-Limitless ,if you think of infinity as having a start you have already underestimated infinity ,infinity has no border ,no start nor an end .
I would elaborate a lil more on camp , on the board games and frisbee and 'speed' and easter eggs but its getting awfully late and I need precious sleep before dad makes a ruckus in the morning again . Selamat Malam ...

How great is our God .......

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