Sunday, September 14, 2008

O night/weekend ...divine with..

-Jazz in the background and my man Ray and Frank (courtesy of Jango)
-20 page a**ignment-done :D
-procrastination and last minute hand ins- ZERO
-lives committed to Christ- 12
-awesometastic front cover for a**ignment-ONE
-Ketsuame on lap
-Facebook photos and profile pictures
-MSN with my fav. boys
-week left o late nights,early mornings and grumpy Janey sleeping on locker bench-ONE
-horrible,scratchy,'sexy' voice
-catch up, awkwardness, and 'fake' conversation with a childhood friend
-'shrunk' jacket
-emo-ness and headaches
-life decisions on 'knowing-loving-shining'
-a happy, sick, blessed,content child in Maryborough-ONE
